Cacao is a heart medicine - it helps us to connect to our deepest desires and to gently begin to release anything that holds us back from receiving them. In each ceremony I hold, there is a potent mix of meditation, journalling, music and poetry which allows us to step into a creative portal of rest and relaxation, from where we can gain new perspectives on our lives.
Cacao is also a superfood with a mighty cocktail of minerals, anti-inflammatories and antioxidants to help supercharge your system. This sacred plant medicine, which hails from the ancient rainforests of central America, helps us work with our heart on both physical and energetic levels. Some of the compounds that give cacao its potent medicinal properties include:
Theobromine: promotes the release of dopamine and supports greater focus and concentration, helping us get deeper into meditation and to connecting to our inner world.
Anandamide: Otherwise known as the ‘bliss molecule’
Phenethylamine: stimulates energy and promotes feelings of wellbeing
Magnesium: to support relaxation
Iron, calcium and anti-oxidants
While we are all familiar with cacao, it is only a very special and particular species of the cacao tree that is used to produce ceremonial grade cacao . Eimear is an accredited Keith’s cacao facilitator and this ceremonial grade cacao is processed with care and intention at small farms in Guatemala, where farmers are given a fair price for their produce.
To join a ceremony please visit the bookings page here.